Monday, January 24, 2011

Jogging Safety: Turn the Music Down!

A quick safety tip for this fine Tuesday.

When you're out and about on your morning or afternoon walk/jog/run/sprint, how many of your listen to your iPod or mp3 player? I would wager that most people these days do. It makes the exercise less boring and can lead to decreased fatigue. However, especially for women, it is very important not to have the music up so loud that you're oblivious to your surroundings. We only have five senses; robbing yourself of one is not a great safety strategy.

I will write an article on predator psychology in the near future, however, the most important thing to note about predators is that they will always choose an easy target. The unaware make an excellent target for the predator on the prowl on bike and runnning tracks.

An easy way to tell if you're music is too loud is this: If you can hear your own footsteps clearly, it's okay. If they are muffled or silent, your music is way too loud. A good test is to have a friend run up behind you and turn around as soon as you hear them. See how far away they are. This is how close a potential attacker would be at your earliest possible recognition.

Stay safe and enjoy your run!

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